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7. Counselling & Kahuna Bodywork

7. Counselling & Kahuna Bodywork

Karen Verburgh - BEing a Vessel for Change Find your flow. All our work is about finding where the energy is stuck and invite it to flow again. It enables better connections, greater awareness and...

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12. Antaneea Technique

12. Antaneea Technique

Heather Green - Aurora Aurora offers a sacred space to relax and take a journey inward to your heart's desire. Antaneea is a 3-layer massage using Divine Space oils which have been specially...

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30. Auricular Acupuncture

30. Auricular Acupuncture

Lata Harie - Aural Waves - Holistic Healing Need to regain your focus, and clarity or instil calm and peace into your life? Maybe you suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, grief or...

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24. Medical intuitive

24. Medical intuitive

Chris Viljoen Through connecting with your body, we explore the needs and imbalances, and with the help of plants and other modalities we help bring it back into balance with itself and nature. 8...

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5. Embodied Heart & Soul Living

5. Embodied Heart & Soul Living

Liz Cunningham - Heart Leader - Soul Mover Liz Cunningham is a Womanity mentor for the inward experience of Awakening SoulBeing, your heart-led, inner wisdom-self through: Shifting perspective from...

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Where My Healing Journey Began

Where My Healing Journey Began

Brett Austin, Natural Elixir – My Story We all have a story to tell so let me begin by giving you an understanding of where my healing journey began and why… In 2010, when I was 33 years old, I was...

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Love And Above

Love And Above

Journey through Coma and into Joy. By Sarah Bullen I am shooting through the universe, a beam of light with no form and no goal. I had been in a coma for almost three weeks and had long since left...

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Tired Wife, No Sex Life?

Tired Wife, No Sex Life?

Biologically, the chemicals that flow through our veins are not the same for men and women. We know this logically and yet don’t fully understand the differences this creates in desire. I was...

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Detoxing Heals All Ills

Detoxing Heals All Ills

Why is body cleansing the answer? Listen to Heleen Elizabeth’s Transformational Talk Radical Cellular Regeneration Sunday 22 July 9 am.The things killing us are the man-made toxins in our food and...

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Traditional, Natural Healing

Traditional, Natural Healing

Meet Godfrey Madlalate who shares his journey and his experience of how the role of Traditional Health Practitioner has become a sought after natural health option for all South Africans. “I was...

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The Essence of Love

The Essence of Love

Live channeling with Chanel Lingenfelder at the KwazuluSpirit Festival I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine...

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