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Liz Cunningham – Heart Leader – Soul Mover

Liz Cunningham is a Womanity mentor for the inward experience of Awakening SoulBeing, your heart-led, inner wisdom-self through:

  • Shifting perspective from fearing life to loving life, from survival to choice and growth, using EQ skills & Heart energy mastery. 
  • Following embodied heart intelligence as a doorway to intuition, using movement, breath, sound and energy management practices to align body, mind and spirit.

Intuitively explore your unique Dance with Life through your body’s wisdom and the conscious, ‘true to you’ choices you make.

Dance classes, Womanity Circles, Retreats, and 1:1 sessions rooted in Emotional Intelligence (EQ), heart energy mastery, healing somatic dance and divine feminine wisdom, support you in remembering-

  •  the power of your heart,
  •  the power of your spirit,
  •  the power of your voice,
  • and remembering how to live these in the power and choice of your actions.

Cha cha cha


The Heartspace Clansthal and via Zoom.

Contact Number: 083 556 8108
Email: [email protected]